27 October 2008

Wildflower Berries for the Birds

Wildflower Berries
Native to Minnesota

Fruits on these plants appear in September-October. The fruit are important for birds as they prepare for migration. These plants are usually found along woodland margins and open woods. In other words, these plants do well in partial sun.
I highly recommend for gardens that are for the birds.

Arisaema triphyllum (Jack-in-the-Pulpit)
Aralia racemosa (American Spikenard)
Smilax herbacea (Smooth Carrion Flower) Very smelly during bloom
Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon's Seal)
Smilacina stellata (Starry False Solomon's Seal)
Polygonatum biflorum (Solomon's Seal)
Caulophyllum thalictroides (Blue Cohosh)
Actaea racemosa (Black Cohosh; Bugbane) Native WI
Actaea rubra (Red Baneberry)
Actaea pachypoda (Doll's Eyes)
Maianthemum canadense (Wild Lily-of-the-Valley)